
Covid-19: EU and NA countries have the hugest death rates

MrRenev Updated   
Looking at how many people got infected and how many died, seems like countries that used cheap drugs to treat this cold have slowed the spread most and also have much less deaths.

Countries with really lots of deaths have went full lockdown and GDP took a huge hit, like -15% projections.
15% of GDP... could buy a WHOLE lot of drugs with this...
Right now, governments of the countries with the most authoritarian measures and the most deaths, due to slow and incompetent bureaucrats, have their approval ratings gone sky high. The bureaucrats are pretty happy about it due to their ignorance. A whole lot of average people are strongly defending their "heroes", approval ratings have gone up 5-40% (of total, not of how much they had before)

This is of course due to the population limitless ignorance, combined to hilarously low intelligence. Fear makes them more stupid also, create more herd mentality.
"Standard deviation becomes lower the larger a group gets" I just made up this quote btw. I'm certain it is true: The larger a group gets, the dumber it gets and opinions vary less! Plenty of reasons for that.

In gambling timing is everything: Filth tier MBS were absolute crap in 2005 yet the price kept going up.
The mistake made is as soon as they realized the things were absolute trash tier and overpriced they rushed in they FOMO'd like Bitcoin dogs, Michael Burry went all in and held the bag for years with his clients losing their minds. Don't get me wrong these guys are smart, maybe even genius tier (depends on the definition if above 130 then the odds are high if above 160 the prob not lol), and they are money smart, still FOMO'd like noobs the second they saw the mispricing.

So here, first GDPs are getting decimated, at that point I'm even going to go long the SEK probably even thought I kept saying it would go to zero :p. It will go to zero but europe and the usa will go to zero faster!
And then this approval spike... Won't last long. So depends when elections are. If (probably) and when the information reaches the brain, is when people will get pissed and everything. Plus they are going to understand very fast the great depression when it breaks their jaws. Pain is an understanding accelerator.
Predicting in advance, understanding what others don't is essential, but then it is necessary to know that the market and the world isn't a reflection of the truth, it moves when info reaches people brain. Something obvious for years will have no effect and then the second, literally second, the information reaches the herd brain they will rush (for the exits?) at lightspeed (why in such a hurry? The info was available and obvious for years).

People are going to be pissed at certain pharma companies possibly? People will be pissed at governments? Dumb people don't think alot but they get angry alot. Expecting rioting. Well no point speculating too much there is plenty of time. Took me a few minutes to figure it all out, so should take the herd a couple of years.

Some countries numbers:

I tried comparing countries with similar climate and similar populations or confirmed cases if possible.

Israel got 2.4 million doses of experimental coronavirus drug (chloroquine) and more:

Japan has been using an antiviral:

Russia since march has been producing and using an anti-malaria drug (Mefloquine)

Europe and North America have been fighting treatments and promoting expensive patented drugs that don't work.
They have thought drugs that work for what? Protecting idiots that self medicate?
And what a surprise, they have the biggest death rates. Poor countries are doing much better than rich ones except sea ones.

Weird since french army stockpiled chloroquine "in case it does work".
Making sure they have something to offer to an invading country to help negotiate surrender.

Business owners have imported chloroquine to give to their workers and got in trouble (stupid people that self medicated have died).

There all sorts of treatments, here is something "A single treatment able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell culture."

In france our main ID expert in the spotlight said
"We have with my team made some of the greatest virology discoveries of the XXI century"
"Scientists are not equal just like Lebron James isn't equal to amateur players" (something like that)
"I am one of the greatest experts in the world but I avoid herd meetings" (avoiding the herd like Tesla)
"Avoid at all costs consensus and political correctness"

And my favorites
"People criticizing me are children!"
"I don't care about their critics/opinions. I refuse to debate with people that have a too low level of knowledge"

A little too polite. I prefer the Dan Pena style.
And from now on I refuse to argue with the typical Bitcoin & Tesla bulls.

Warren Buffet in March said he wouldn't sell any more airline company but he dumped everything (on retail bottom chasers btw).
The perma bull white knight of the USA stock market ran for the exit, and he has the biggest cash position ever seen.
But sure don't worry, every thing will be alright.

I hope the USA will go for Stalin rather than Hitler, kill his own people rather than start a huge war and kill others. The USA are "terrified" of "the far right", and there's lots of marxists there. Excellent. BurgerLand will become a godforsaken hellhole, they'll kill each other, and the stock market will go to zero, while I'll be chilling. Don't want far right guys like Trump that threaten foreign nations and do trade wars (Trump+ does more than trade wars). Gogo democrat socialism.
Burgerland is in dire need of socialism and more antifa. Please god, please let them kill each other and ignore us and not nuke anyone.
"Buuut you are wishing ill on the usa" ... actually no I'm not going to lower myself to explain.

Ahem * clears throat *
Belgium and the Netherlands have tornadoes, South West Europe and the west of France is getting flooded, the entirety of north France has a looming smell of death and destruction (literally: decomposing smells + sulfur), Los Angeles smells like butt.
This is it we're all going to die 🍾🐻🥂😊
It's not a paper mask we need now it's a gas mask. Wonderful.
I don't want to be right but I'm going to be right.
About lockdown consequences being dramatic and enormous.
If I go I want it to be glorious
Sewer manhole covers are jumping around! Sick.
Someone said the teenage mutant ninja turtles were having a party and I died xd
The whole underground is going to blow up magod.

I'm not going to go do some detective work and speculate...
Okay maybe since every one thought it would be a smart idea to clean up their homes at the same time since they were locked at home with free time, the sewer system got supercharged with cleaning products and dirt.

California and France urban regions (paris & la) : severe lockdown, lots of people, lots of sewage in a small area. ye.... actually I think that's it...

Best speculator in the world, let's see if I'm proven right!
Literally took me 2 minutes to think about this & write it down, therefore should take "experts" a couple of weeks or months.
Step 1: Healthy/non infected
Step 2: Stealth Virus infection & multiplication
Step 3: Immune System violent reaction
Step 4: Bacteria taking over
Step 5: Difficulties breathing
Step 6: U ded

It's a coincidence if Italy, where masterminds were french kissing asians to prove how non racist they were (step 1) ended up running out of ventilators (step 5) and have one of the highest death tolls?

It's a coincidence, if Israel Morocco and Russia, that stockpiled Chloroquine (step 3) have very little deaths compared to europe west and the USA?

It's a coincidence if Japan that used antivirals (step 2) has barely any deaths?

It's a coincidence if europe west and north america that didn't use prevention early (trump did stop travel from china to be fair but not useful if europe doesn't do the same), didn't use anti virals (instead spent months arguing and watch tests on gilead redemsivir), didn't use and fought immunu suppressants?

People are arguing, it's pure dunning kruger.
Because when you have a brain it's obvious.

Oh germany has much less deaths than uk france italy the usa, and they're another rich west country with numbers we can trust, maybe I was wrong I can admit I am wrong... oh but wait? What's this? Germany produces Resochin? Bayer gave the government 8 million tablets? Germany with a population of 83 million have only 7500 deaths?
Germany have been saving themselves while the rest of europe were getting decimated and their gdp too? That's not very... inclusive of them...

Ye sure, the EU will still be around in 50 years right.

Look, in 1945 there was a new world order:
With the help of the Bretton Woods system the new world order was the USA world order. And the EU started to form.
And every one that was just born thinks this is THE paradigm that will never change.

Those paradigm, or cycles, last what like 75 years? 50 to 100?
The USA are on the brink of collapsing. Bull markets die in euphoria...
Today the USA have never been more in our lives, in particular with big tech.
"Euphoria" = looks like the US control everything. I think its clear enough.

And the EU paradigm is also going to end.

We are in a great depression, that's it. Lmao even perma bull "the USA are immortal and invincible" Warren Buffett is done and not buying anything.
Berkshire sold airline companies at a 60-70% loss (and down 70-80% from ath).
We are seeing what we saw in the 1930s.
We didn't live it but we have enough magazine covers, documents, books, to see it's the same.


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